bart farrell

CNCF Meetup Bilbao #1

8 June 2023

Edificio Ensanche. Bilbao (Spain)

In Bilbao, the local vibe is deeply rooted in “Go big or go home,” and that’s what we stuck to in the first Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Bilbao Meetup.

Thanks to Iraia Monteagudo and INNOLAB Bilbao for letting us use their event space to host this first (of many) Cloud Native gatherings.

People all over the world have seen Angel López de Luzuriaga incredible art bringing technical concepts to life, but it was the first time he gave a talk about his experience in the Cloud Native ecosystem. He created drawings on the spot for all of the speakers and as always, did so with pizazz.

The meetup featured talks from six others- my fellow CNCF Ambassador Jorge Turrado Ferrero, Cortney Nickerson from Monokle by Kubeshop, Victor Martinez Bahillo from Auctane, David Lorite Solanas from Sysdig, David López Becerra from SALTO Systems, and last but not least Arie van den Bos from Kurago.

Excellent content, conversations, and networking. Mark your calendars for September 7th when we’ll be hosting the next one!