bart farrell



Bart Farrell
  • DoK Community
  • MayaData (now datacore)
  • MLOPs community
  • Trufó reel
  • Podcast
  • Data on K8s Podcast in top rankings
  • DoK Community
  • Kopuru 
  • CNCF Students 
  • TikiTalka 
  • UX Garage 
  • Bilbapp 
  • Bilbao Tech Week 
  • European Association for Packaging Design and Branding 
  • KCD Guatemala 
  • KCD Pakistan 
  • 2x KubeCon Speaker 

How can you guarantee your message is reaching your audience?

The son of a Toastmasters leader and speaking coach, Bart has been helping executive and engineers create the impact they desire to communicate for over a decade.

  • Managed recruiting, career planning, knowledge curation for a team of 110 devs, devops, and data engineers 

Go ahead! CONTACT ME